Now that the snow is done for the year, its time for the spring. The next couple months are the rainy season for us, as the past few days have shown.
Over this winter, we’ve had a tough season, lots of snow can cause havoc on the exterior of our home. I’m writing about one easy to fix item that can save thousands in damage…
The harsh winter can ruin your gutters. Gutters, that fail, are a major contributing factor to water getting inside your basement, ruining many areas, and even causing mold.
The heavy snow can break gutters, and dislodge downspouts. Areas along driveways are especially prone to this as we pile/plow high piles of snow there. We have really had that this winter.
Gutters are a big part of how our home sheds water. If they are not working properly, they can dump water against our foundations and cause water to pour in to our basements. Many times its a simple downspout directing water a bit further away, or replacing a downspout diverter that was crushed over the winter.
This repair is an easy DIY item, and very inexpensive. Go outside and have a look. If your downspout is broken or not discharging water 3 feet from the foundation to a downward slope, away from the house, go fix it. It can save thousands.
For more information about your home, or my home inspection service, visit
Your Home Inspector
Mike Auger, CMI