OK, you’ve had me inspect your home. You know the condition.
You may have asked the seller to fix items, you may have fixed items yourself.
What about the other items on the report that were considered “smaller” items? Those need to be addressed before they become bigger items too.
What about conditions that have changes since your inspection? Your home constantly changes and without good maintenance, it will age really fast.
Here are some items you may want to check out:
Your HVAC system or boiler should be serviced by a professional every year. For forced air systems, remember to change the filter every month.
Your exterior paint and deck systems need maintenance to last too. These items need attention every couple to every few years depending on the paint stain you’ve used. Taking care of these items not only keeps your home beautiful, but extends the lifespan of the exterior parts.
Septic systems require service too, consult your septic specialist for what plan may be best for you.
Chimneys require periodic cleaning, letting this go is a fire hazard.
Your clothes dryer lint traps should be cleaned 1-2 times per year. This can create a fire hazard if not kept clear.
Trees and shrubs must be cut back and not overhang or touch the outside of your home, they damage the exterior and make a great path for ants to enter your house.
This list could go on for quite a while, but your home is like a living creature and its conditions change constantly, now that you own it, its up to you to keep it up. You may consider an annual inspection to look for ways to help maintain your home.